nuitka 1.3.7 编译选项说明

nuitka 所有编译选项原文

用法: [--module] [--run] [options]


  • --help

    • 展示这条信息,然后退出
  • --version

    • 展示版本信息和用于汇报 bug 的重要细节,然后退出
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --module

    • 创建一个扩展而不是可执行程序
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --standalone

    • 启用独立环境模式输出
    • 可以允许你将输出的内容直接复制到其他系统相同的电脑上并且不用安装 Python 环境
    • 这也会意味着输出文件会变大
    • 在启用此选项是同样意味着启用
      • --follow-imports
      • --python-flag=no_site
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --onefile

    • 基于独立环境模式的同时将输出内容变为单个可执行文件
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --python-debug

    • 是否使用 debug 版本
    • 默认: 运行 nuitka 的 Python 版本
  • --python-flag=FLAG

    • Python 运行标志
    • 这个标志会强制改变运行标志
    • 目前受支持的选项
      • -S: no_site 的缩写
      • static_hashes: 禁用随机哈希
      • no_warnings: 不输出 Python 的运行时警告
      • -O: no_asserts 的缩写
      • no_docstrings: 不在编译中包含注释
      • -u: unbuffered 的缩写
      • -m: 运行模块
    • 默认: 运行 nuitka 的 Python 运行标志
  • --python-for-scons=PATH

    • 如果正在用 Python 3.3/3.4 将自动生成一个可以让 Scons 使用的 Python 二进制库

      否则 nuitka 将使用运行 nuitka 的 Python 目录或者 Windows 注册表中的 Python 安装路径

      在 Python 3.5+ 是需要的? 在 非 Windows 上 Python 2.6/2.7 也需要


  • --include-package=PACKAGE

    • 编译给定的整个模块和子包
    • 输入格式: Python 命名空间
      • 例如: 一个模块.的子包
    • nuitka 会寻找并编译这个包和他的所有子包,并且让给定的包可以在代码中引用
    • 默认: 空
  • --include-module=MODULE

    • 编译给定的单个模块
    • 输入格式: Python 命名空间
      • 例如: 一个模块.的子包
    • nuitka 会寻找并编译这个模块,并让给定的包可以在代码中引用
  • --include-plugin-directory=MODULE/PACKAGE Include also the code found in that directory, considering as if they are each given as a main file. Overrides all other inclusion options. You ought to prefer other inclusion options, that go by names, rather than filenames, those find things through being in "sys.path". This option is for very special use cases only. Can be given multiple times. Default empty.

  • --include-plugin-files=PATTERN Include into files matching the PATTERN. Overrides all other follow options. Can be given multiple times. Default empty.

  • --prefer-source-code For already compiled extension modules, where there is both a source file and an extension module, normally the extension module is used, but it should be better to compile the module from available source code for best performance. If not desired, there is --no- prefer-source-code to disable warnings about it. Default off.

    Control the following into imported modules:

  • --follow-imports Descend into all imported modules. Defaults to on in standalone mode, otherwise off.

  • --follow-import-to=MODULE/PACKAGE Follow to that module if used, or if a package, to the whole package. Can be given multiple times. Default empty.

  • --nofollow-import-to=MODULE/PACKAGE Do not follow to that module name even if used, or if a package name, to the whole package in any case, overrides all other options. Can be given multiple times. Default empty.

  • --nofollow-imports Do not descend into any imported modules at all, overrides all other inclusion options and not usable for standalone mode. Defaults to off.

  • --follow-stdlib Also descend into imported modules from standard library. This will increase the compilation time by a lot and is also not well tested at this time and sometimes won't work. Defaults to off.

Onefile 选项:

  • --onefile-tempdir-spec=ONEFILE_TEMPDIR_SPEC Use this as a folder to unpack to in onefile mode. Defaults to '%TEMP%/onefile_%PID%_%TIME%', i.e. user temporary directory and being non-static it's removed. Use e.g. a string like '%CACHE_DIR%/%COMPANY%/%PRODUCT%/%VERSION%' which is a good static cache path, this will then not be removed.


  • --include-package-data=PACKAGE Include data files for the given package name. DLLs and extension modules are not data files and never included like this. Can use patterns the filenames as indicated below. Data files of packages are not included by default, but package configuration can do it. This will only include non-DLL, non-extension modules, i.e. actual data files. After a ":" optionally a filename pattern can be given as well, selecting only matching files. Examples: "--include- package-data=package_name" (all files) "--include- package-data=package_name=*.txt" (only certain type) " -

  • --include-package-data=package_name=some_filename.dat

    • (concrete file) Default empty.
  • --include-data-files=DESC Include data files by filenames in the distribution. There are many allowed forms. With '--include-data- files=/path/to/file/.txt=folder_name/some.txt' it will copy a single file and complain if it's multiple. With '--include-data- files=/path/to/files/.txt=folder_name/' it will put all matching files into that folder. For recursive copy there is a form with 3 values that '--include- data-files=/path/to/scan=folder_name=**/*.txt' that will preserve directory structure. Default empty.

  • --include-data-dir=DIRECTORY Include data files from complete directory in the distribution. This is recursive. Check '--include- data-files' with patterns if you want non-recursive inclusion. An example would be '--include-data- dir=/path/some_dir=data/some_dir' for plain copy, of the whole directory. All files are copied, if you want to exclude files you need to remove them beforehand, or use '--noinclude-data-files' option to remove them. Default empty.

  • --noinclude-data-files=PATTERN Do not include data files matching the filename pattern given. This is against the target filename, not source paths. So to ignore a file pattern from package data for "package_name" should be matched as "package_name/*.txt". Or for the whole directory simply use "package_name". Default empty.

DLL 文件:

  • --noinclude-dlls=PATTERN Do not include DLL files matching the filename pattern given. This is against the target filename, not source paths. So ignore a DLL "someDLL" contained in the package "package_name" it should be matched as "package_name/someDLL.*". Default empty.

  • --list-package-dlls=LIST_PACKAGE_DLLS Output the DLLs found for a given package name. Default not done.

哪些警告会给到 Nuitka:

  • --warn-implicit-exceptions Enable warnings for implicit exceptions detected at compile time.

  • --warn-unusual-code Enable warnings for unusual code detected at compile time.

  • --assume-yes-for-downloads Allow Nuitka to download external code if necessary, e.g. dependency walker, ccache, and even gcc on Windows. To disable, redirect input from nul device, e.g. "</dev/null" or "<NUL:". Default is to prompt.

  • --nowarn-mnemonic=MNEMONIC Disable warning for a given mnemonic. These are given to make sure you are aware of certain topics, and typically point to the Nuitka website. The mnemonic is the part of the URL at the end, without the HTML suffix. Can be given multiple times and accepts shell pattern. Default empty.

    Immediate execution after compilation:

  • --run

    • 编译后立即运行二进制文件(或者导入编译的模块)
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --debugger

    • 在 debugger 中运行
      • 例如: "gdb" 或 "lldb"
    • 用于自动获取堆栈跟踪
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --execute-with-pythonpath When immediately executing the created binary or module using '--run', don't reset 'PYTHONPATH' environment. When all modules are successfully included, you ought to not need PYTHONPATH anymore, and definitely not for standalone mode.

    Compilation choices:

  • --user-package-configuration-file=YAML_FILENAME User provided Yaml file with package configuration. You can include DLLs, remove bloat, add hidden dependencies. Check User Manual for a complete description of the format to use. Can be given multiple times. Defaults to empty.

  • --full-compat Enforce absolute compatibility with CPython. Do not even allow minor deviations from CPython behavior, e.g. not having better tracebacks or exception messages which are not really incompatible, but only different or worse. This is intended for tests only and should not be used.

  • --file-reference-choice=MODE Select what value "file" is going to be. With "runtime" (default for standalone binary mode and module mode), the created binaries and modules, use the location of themselves to deduct the value of "file". Included packages pretend to be in directories below that location. This allows you to include data files in deployments. If you merely seek acceleration, it's better for you to use the "original" value, where the source files location will be used. With "frozen" a notation "" is used. For compatibility reasons, the "file" value will always have ".py" suffix independent of what it really is.

  • --module-name-choice=MODE Select what value "name" and "package" are going to be. With "runtime" (default for module mode), the created module uses the parent package to deduce the value of "package", to be fully compatible. The value "original" (default for other modes) allows for more static optimization to happen, but is incompatible for modules that normally can be loaded into any package.

    Output choices:

  • --output-filename=FILENAME Specify how the executable should be named. For extension modules there is no choice, also not for standalone mode and using it will be an error. This may include path information that needs to exist though. Defaults to '<program_name>' on this platform. .exe

  • --output-dir=DIRECTORY Specify where intermediate and final output files should be put. The DIRECTORY will be populated with build folder, dist folder, binaries, etc. Defaults to current directory.

  • --remove-output Removes the build directory after producing the module or exe file. Defaults to off.

  • --no-pyi-file Do not create a ".pyi" file for extension modules created by Nuitka. This is used to detect implicit imports. Defaults to off.

Debug 特性:

  • --debug Executing all self checks possible to find errors in Nuitka, do not use for production. Defaults to off.

  • --unstripped Keep debug info in the resulting object file for better debugger interaction. Defaults to off.

  • --profile

    • 启用基于 vmprof 的效率检测
    • 现在还用不了
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --internal-graph Create graph of optimization process internals, do not use for whole programs, but only for small test cases. Defaults to off.

  • --trace-execution Traced execution output, output the line of code before executing it. Defaults to off.

  • --recompile-c-only This is not incremental compilation, but for Nuitka development only. Takes existing files and simply compile them as C again. Allows compiling edited C files for quick debugging changes to the generated source, e.g. to see if code is passed by, values output, etc, Defaults to off. Depends on compiling Python source to determine which files it should look at.

  • --xml=XML_FILENAME Write the internal program structure, result of optimization in XML form to given filename.

  • --generate-c-only

    • 仅编译成 C 代码,不编译为可执行文件或者模块
    • 此选项是为了那些不想浪费 CPU 资源的 单纯为了 debug 或者 覆盖率检测的编译
      • 不要觉得你能直接做到这样
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --experimental=FLAG Use features declared as 'experimental'. May have no effect if no experimental features are present in the code. Uses secret tags (check source) per experimented feature.

  • --low-memory Attempt to use less memory, by forking less C compilation jobs and using options that use less memory. For use on embedded machines. Use this in case of out of memory problems. Defaults to off.

后端 C 编译器选项:

  • `--clang

    • 强制使用 clang 编译器
    • 在 Windows 上需要一个可用的 Visual Studio Enforce the use of clang. On Windows this requires a` working Visual Studio version to piggy back on. Defaults to off.
  • `--mingw64

    • 在 Windows 上强制使用 MinGW64 编译器
      • 除非运行在 MSYS2 和 Mingw 编译的 Python 上
    • 默认: 禁用
  • --msvc=MSVC_VERSION

    • 在 Windows 上强制使用给定版本的 MSVC 编译器 Enforce the use of specific MSVC version on Windows. Allowed values are e.g. "14.3" (MSVC 2022) and other MSVC version numbers, specify "list" for a list of installed compilers, or use "latest". Defaults to latest MSVC being used if installed, otherwise MinGW64 is used.
  • `--jobs=N

    • 指定最多可同时运行的 C 编译器数量
    • 默认: 你的 CPU 线程数
  • `--lto=choice

    • 使用 来自编译器的 链接时间优化
    • Use link time optimizations (MSVC, gcc, clang).` Allowed values are "yes", "no", and "auto" (when it's known to work). Defaults to "auto".
  • --static-libpython=choice Use static link library of Python. Allowed values are "yes", "no", and "auto" (when it's known to work). Defaults to "auto".

    Cache Control:

  • --disable-cache=DISABLED_CACHES Disable selected caches, specify "all" for all cached. Currently allowed values are: "all","ccache","bytecode","dll-dependencies". can be given multiple times or with comma separated values. Default none.

  • --clean-cache=CLEAN_CACHES Clean the given caches before executing, specify "all" for all cached. Currently allowed values are: "all","ccache","bytecode","dll-dependencies". can be given multiple times or with comma separated values. Default none.

  • --disable-bytecode-cache Do not reuse dependency analysis results for modules, esp. from standard library, that are included as bytecode. Same as --disable-cache=bytecode.

  • --disable-ccache Do not attempt to use ccache (gcc, clang, etc.) or clcache (MSVC, clangcl). Same as --disable- cache=ccache.

  • --disable-dll-dependency-cache Disable the dependency walker cache. Will result in much longer times to create the distribution folder, but might be used in case the cache is suspect to cause errors. Same as --disable-cache=dll- dependencies.

  • --force-dll-dependency-cache-update For an update of the dependency walker cache. Will result in much longer times to create the distribution folder, but might be used in case the cache is suspect to cause errors or known to need an update.

PGO 编译选项:

  • --pgo Enables C level profile guided optimization (PGO), by executing a dedicated build first for a profiling run, and then using the result to feedback into the C compilation. Note: This is experimental and not working with standalone modes of Nuitka yet. Defaults to off.

  • --pgo-args=PGO_ARGS Arguments to be passed in case of profile guided optimization. These are passed to the special built executable during the PGO profiling run. Default empty.

  • --pgo-executable=PGO_EXECUTABLE Command to execute when collecting profile information. Use this only, if you need to launch it through a script that prepares it to run. Default use created program.

Tracing features:

  • --report=REPORT_FILENAME Report module, data files, compilation, plugin, etc. details in an XML output file. This is also super useful for issue reporting. Default is off.

  • --quiet Disable all information outputs, but show warnings. Defaults to off.

  • --show-scons Run the C building backend Scons with verbose information, showing the executed commands, detected compilers. Defaults to off.

  • --no-progressbar Disable progress bars. Defaults to off.

  • --show-progress Obsolete: Provide progress information and statistics. Disables normal progress bar. Defaults to off.

  • --show-memory Provide memory information and statistics. Defaults to off.

  • --show-modules Provide information for included modules and DLLs Obsolete: You should use '--report' file instead. Defaults to off.

  • --show-modules-output=PATH Where to output '--show-modules', should be a filename. Default is standard output.

  • --verbose Output details of actions taken, esp. in optimizations. Can become a lot. Defaults to off.

  • --verbose-output=PATH Where to output from '--verbose', should be a filename. Default is standard output.

    General OS controls:

  • --disable-console When compiling for Windows or macOS, disable the console window and create a GUI application. Defaults to off.

  • --enable-console When compiling for Windows or macOS, enable the console window and create a console application. This disables hints from certain modules, e.g. "PySide" that suggest to disable it. Defaults to true.

  • --force-stdout-spec=FORCE_STDOUT_SPEC Force standard output of the program to go to this location. Useful for programs with disabled console and programs using the Windows Services Plugin of Nuitka commercial. Defaults to not active, use e.g. '%PROGRAM%.out.txt', i.e. file near your program.

  • --force-stderr-spec=FORCE_STDERR_SPEC Force standard error of the program to go to this location. Useful for programs with disabled console and programs using the Windows Services Plugin of Nuitka commercial. Defaults to not active, use e.g. '%PROGRAM%.err.txt', i.e. file near your program.

    Windows specific controls:

  • --windows-icon-from-ico=ICON_PATH Add executable icon. Can be given multiple times for different resolutions or files with multiple icons inside. In the later case, you may also suffix with # where n is an integer index starting from 1, specifying a specific icon to be included, and all others to be ignored.

  • --windows-icon-from-exe=ICON_EXE_PATH Copy executable icons from this existing executable (Windows only).

  • --onefile-windows-splash-screen-image=SPLASH_SCREEN_IMAGE When compiling for Windows and onefile, show this while loading the application. Defaults to off.

  • --windows-uac-admin Request Windows User Control, to grant admin rights on execution. (Windows only). Defaults to off.

  • --windows-uac-uiaccess Request Windows User Control, to enforce running from a few folders only, remote desktop access. (Windows only). Defaults to off.

    macOS specific controls:

  • --macos-target-arch=MACOS_TARGET_ARCH What architectures is this to supposed to run on. Default and limit is what the running Python allows for. Default is "native" which is the architecture the Python is run with.

  • --macos-create-app-bundle When compiling for macOS, create a bundle rather than a plain binary application. Currently experimental and incomplete. Currently this is the only way to unlock disabling of console.Defaults to off.

  • --macos-app-icon=ICON_PATH Add icon for the application bundle to use. Can be given only one time. Defaults to Python icon if available.

  • --macos-signed-app-name=MACOS_SIGNED_APP_NAME Name of the application to use for macOS signing. Follow "com.YourCompany.AppName" naming results for best results, as these have to be globally unique, and will potentially grant protected API accesses.

  • --macos-app-name=MACOS_APP_NAME Name of the product to use in macOS bundle information. Defaults to base filename of the binary.

  • --macos-app-mode=MODE Mode of application for the application bundle. When launching a Window, and appearing in Docker is desired, default value "gui" is a good fit. Without a Window ever, the application is a "background" application. For UI elements that get to display later, "ui-element" is in-between. The application will not appear in dock, but get full access to desktop when it does open a Window later.

  • --macos-sign-identity=MACOS_APP_VERSION When signing on macOS, by default an ad-hoc identify will be used, but with this option your get to specify another identity to use. The signing of code is now mandatory on macOS and cannot be disabled. Default "ad-hoc" if not given.

  • --macos-sign-notarization When signing for notarization, using a proper TeamID identity from Apple, use the required runtime signing option, such that it can be accepted.

  • --macos-app-version=MACOS_APP_VERSION Product version to use in macOS bundle information. Defaults to "1.0" if not given.

  • --macos-app-protected-resource=RESOURCE_DESC Request an entitlement for access to a macOS protected resources, e.g. "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription:Microphone access for recording audio." requests access to the microphone and provides an informative text for the user, why that is needed. Before the colon, is an OS identifier for an access right, then the informative text. Legal values can be found on umentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/p rotected_resources and the option can be specified multiple times. Default empty.

    Linux specific controls:

  • --linux-icon=ICON_PATH Add executable icon for onefile binary to use. Can be given only one time. Defaults to Python icon if available.

    Binary Version Information:

  • --company-name=COMPANY_NAME Name of the company to use in version information. Defaults to unused.

  • --product-name=PRODUCT_NAME Name of the product to use in version information. Defaults to base filename of the binary.

  • --file-version=FILE_VERSION File version to use in version information. Must be a sequence of up to 4 numbers, e.g. 1.0 or, no more digits are allowed, no strings are allowed. Defaults to unused.

  • --product-version=PRODUCT_VERSION Product version to use in version information. Same rules as for file version. Defaults to unused.

  • --file-description=FILE_DESCRIPTION Description of the file used in version information. Windows only at this time. Defaults to binary filename.

  • --copyright=COPYRIGHT_TEXT Copyright used in version information. Windows only at this time. Defaults to not present.

  • --trademarks=TRADEMARK_TEXT Copyright used in version information. Windows only at this time. Defaults to not present.

    Plugin control:

  • --enable-plugin=PLUGIN_NAME Enabled plugins. Must be plug-in names. Use '--plugin- list' to query the full list and exit. Default empty.

  • --disable-plugin=PLUGIN_NAME Disabled plugins. Must be plug-in names. Use '-- plugin-list' to query the full list and exit. Most standard plugins are not a good idea to disable. Default empty.

  • --plugin-no-detection Plugins can detect if they might be used, and the you can disable the warning via "--disable-plugin=plugin- that-warned", or you can use this option to disable the mechanism entirely, which also speeds up compilation slightly of course as this detection code is run in vain once you are certain of which plugins to use. Defaults to off.

  • --plugin-list Show list of all available plugins and exit. Defaults to off.

  • --user-plugin=PATH The file name of user plugin. Can be given multiple times. Default empty.

  • --show-source-changes Show source changes to original Python file content before compilation. Mostly intended for developing plugins. Default False.

    Plugin options of 'anti-bloat':

  • --show-anti-bloat-changes Annotate what changes are by the plugin done.

  • --noinclude-setuptools-mode=NOINCLUDE_SETUPTOOLS_MODE What to do if a 'setuptools' or import is encountered. This package can be big with dependencies, and should definitely be avoided. Also handles 'setuptools_scm'.

  • --noinclude-pytest-mode=NOINCLUDE_PYTEST_MODE What to do if a 'pytest' import is encountered. This package can be big with dependencies, and should definitely be avoided. Also handles 'nose' imports.

  • --noinclude-unittest-mode=NOINCLUDE_UNITTEST_MODE What to do if a unittest import is encountered. This package can be big with dependencies, and should definitely be avoided.

  • --noinclude-IPython-mode=NOINCLUDE_IPYTHON_MODE What to do if a IPython import is encountered. This package can be big with dependencies, and should definitely be avoided.

  • --noinclude-dask-mode=NOINCLUDE_DASK_MODE What to do if a 'dask' import is encountered. This package can be big with dependencies, and should definitely be avoided.

  • --noinclude-numba-mode=NOINCLUDE_NUMBA_MODE What to do if a 'numba' import is encountered. This package can be big with dependencies, and is currently not working for standalone. This package is big with dependencies, and should definitely be avoided.

  • --noinclude-default-mode=NOINCLUDE_DEFAULT_MODE This actually provides the default "warning" value for above options, and can be used to turn all of these on.

  • --noinclude-custom-mode=CUSTOM_CHOICES What to do if a specific import is encountered. Format is module name, which can and should be a top level package and then one choice, "error", "warning", "nofollow", e.g. PyQt5:error.